Artistic Prints & Posters

8x10 Art Print

Printed 8x10 comes on archival paper using high quality printing. Paper will not fade with time. Art is printed full to the edges with no white border. Print is exact size and perfect for framing. Print is matte finished, color accurate, and durable imaging. 8x10’s will ship flat, individually wrapped with a backing board. 

11x14 Poster Print

Printed 11x14 poster comes on durable high quality photo poster paper. Paper will not fade with time. Art is printed to the edge but may have a small white border outside the framing area. Print is perfect for framing. Print is low gloss, color accurate, and durable imaging. 11x14 posters will ship in a tube, rolled.


All prints are printed in our studio in Phoenix, Arizona and created by Sarah Elliott. The Desert Sticker Company strives to bring you dynamic and passionate art representing iconic places. Each piece can connect to a memory, a moment in time that you want to keep with you. With every purchase you support a female small business owner, who is passionate about creating amazing art for you to enjoy. Your support allows me to continue doing what I love while supporting my family. It also allows us to support organizations working for the betterment of women and children worldwide.